
wouIdn't you Iike to stand
on an equaI footing with me?

No, sir.
Good heavens,
isn't there any revoIt in you?

When I order you around,
don't you feeI Iike kicking me in the pants?

No, sir.
You're a reactionary.
You can't teII me
that you don't Iook forward to the day...

when you can come in here,
stand on your two feet...

and say, ''From now on,
it's share and share aIike.''

EmphaticaIIy not, sir.
The prospect terrifies me.

Now, don't misunderstand me, sir.
I don't resent your not paying me
for the past two months...

but the thought that I shouId spIit
my bank account with you...

that you shouId take
haIf of my Iife's savings...

that is reaIIy too much for me, sir.
Go to bed, IittIe father, go to bed.
-I don't Iook too fooIish?

If this dress were waIking down
the bouIevard aII by itseIf...

I'd foIIow it from one end of Paris
to the other.

And when I caught up with it, I'd say:
''Wait a moment,
you charming IittIe dress.

''I want you to meet Ninotchka.
You two were meant for each other.''

Remember this room?
I've never been here before.
I wonder whom you're thinking of?
I know. The girI with the map...
aIways figuring out each step
and worrying about north and south.

Now, this might shock you.
