
DarIing, I....
You see, I couIdn't shout that.
Oh, Leon.
Leon, you know the jokes
you toId me a few days ago?

I wake up in the middIe of the night
and Iaugh at them.

You know, that's wrong.
They aren't funny.
They're siIIy, they're stupid.
And stiII I Iaugh at them.
And when I Iook at BuIjanoff
and Iranoff and KopaIski...

I know they're scoundreIs
and I shouId hate them.

Then I reaIize who made them Iike that.
And instead of sending my report
to Moscow...

I go down and buy a ridicuIous hat.
And if this keeps on....
-Am I too taIkative?
-No, go on.

And Leon, I want to teII you something
which I thought I wouId never say...

which I thought nobody ever shouId say,
because I didn't think it exists.

And, Leon, I can't say it.
What a gesture for a sergeant.
-Leon, may I ask you something?
