This one is probably
just as bad as his father...
who created a monster
in the devil's own image.
It's in the blood, I tell you.
We've said these same words
a thousand times, and they get us nowhere.
LANG: Fine talk, Herr Inspector.
But Baron Frankenstein
does arrive tonight to claim his heritage.
LANG: And then what?
BURGHER #1: Yes, what then?
That's true, but he'll find no friends here.
Nothing but locked doors
and darkened windows...
Iocked hearts and bitter hatred.
Let that, too, be a part
of the Frankenstein heritage.
Come, gentlemen.
We'll be there soon, darling.
That's good. So I can see Amelia.
That's right. Amelia will be there
waiting for you, and so glad to see you.
ELSA: What strange-looking country.
Not much like America, is it?
On my first trip to Europe,
I was prepared for anything...
but I'm glad
we went to London and Paris first.
BARON: We must be getting close
to the village now.
It's exciting, isn't it?
Out there in the darkness,
a new life lies before us.
No more college classrooms
or faculty meetings.
- I feel rather like an explorer.
- That's what it is.
We're going to explore
something so foreign to us...
we can't even imagine what it'll be like.
A medieval castle.
I wonder if there's a moat.
And a drawbridge,
and a great tall, dark tower.
And battlements.
Perhaps there's a haunted room.
Yes, there's sure to be a haunted room.
The castle itself is supposed to be haunted.
- Because of...
- Yes.
Because of the things my father did there.