ELSA: What strange-looking country.
Not much like America, is it?
On my first trip to Europe,
I was prepared for anything...
but I'm glad
we went to London and Paris first.
BARON: We must be getting close
to the village now.
It's exciting, isn't it?
Out there in the darkness,
a new life lies before us.
No more college classrooms
or faculty meetings.
- I feel rather like an explorer.
- That's what it is.
We're going to explore
something so foreign to us...
we can't even imagine what it'll be like.
A medieval castle.
I wonder if there's a moat.
And a drawbridge,
and a great tall, dark tower.
And battlements.
Perhaps there's a haunted room.
Yes, there's sure to be a haunted room.
The castle itself is supposed to be haunted.
- Because of...
- Yes.
Because of the things my father did there.
I remember the stories Mother used to
tell me when I was quite young in England.
It wasn't my father's fault
that the being he created...
became a senseless, murderous monster.
He was right.
You understand that, don't you, dear?
He was right.
It was the unforeseen blunder
of a stupid assistant...
that gave his creation the brain of a killer
instead of a normal one.
And how my father was made to suffer
for that mistake.
His name has become synonymous
with horror and monsters.
Why, nine out of ten people...
call that misshapen creature
of my father's experiments...
GUARD: Frankenstein.
- Herr Baron Frankenstein?
- Yes.
I will see that madam and the bags
are placed in the car.
The Burgomaster's on the platform
waiting for you.
Thank you.