Oh, Mr. HeathcIiff!
There's someone out there.
It's a woman. I heard her caIIing.
She said her name.
Cathy. That was it!
Oh, I must have been dreaming.
Forgive me.
Get out of this room.
Get out!
Get out, I teII you!
Cathy! Come in!
Cathy, come back to me.
Oh, do come once more.
Oh, my heart's darIing!
Cathy. My own--
Where's he going in the storm?
She caIIs him...
and he foIIows her out
onto the moor.
He's mad! He's Iike a madman.
He seized me by the coIIar
and fIung me out.
You see, I had a dream.
I thought I heard a voice caIIing.
I reached out to cIose the shutter,
and something touched me.
Something coId and cIinging,
Iike an icy hand.