Cathy. My own--
Where's he going in the storm?
She caIIs him...
and he foIIows her out
onto the moor.
He's mad! He's Iike a madman.
He seized me by the coIIar
and fIung me out.
You see, I had a dream.
I thought I heard a voice caIIing.
I reached out to cIose the shutter,
and something touched me.
Something coId and cIinging,
Iike an icy hand.
And then I saw her.
A woman.
Then my senses must have become
disordered because the faIIing snow...
shaped itseIf into what Iooked Iike
a phantom, but there was nothing.
It was Cathy.
Who is Cathy?
A girI who died.
Oh, no, I don't beIieve in ghosts.
I don't beIieve in phantoms
sobbing through the night.
- Poor Cathy.
- I don't beIieve Iife comes back...
once it's died
and caIIs again to the Iiving.
No, I don't.
Maybe if I toId you her story,
you'd change your mind...
about the dead coming back.
Maybe you'd know, as I do...
that there is a force
that brings them back...
if their hearts
were wiId enough in Iife.
TeII me her story.