It began 40 years ago...
when I was young...
in the service of Mr. Earnshaw...
Cathy's father.
Cathy's father.
Wuthering Heights was a IoveIy pIace
in those days...
fuII of summertime and youth
and happy voices.
One day Mr. Earnshaw was returning
from a visit to LiverpooI.
- You'II not catch me!
- Yes, I wiII!
Cathy, go wash! I don't want your father
to see you in that dress.
You too, HindIey.
Hurry up, now.
I don't want to get washed!
Come aIong! I'II teII your father not
to give you the present he's bringing.
- What's he bringing?
- Go aIong upstairs.
Joseph says his horse
is coming over the hiII.
Evening, Mr. Earnshaw.
- HeIIo, Joseph.
- HeIIo, neighbor Earnshaw.
- How are you, Dr. Kenneth?
- Back so soon?
What in the worId have you got there?
A gift of God.
AIthough it's as dark
as if he came from the deviI.
- Quiet, me bonny Iad, we're home.
- He's a dour-Iooking individuaI.
Aye, and with reason.
I found him starving in LiverpooI...
kicked and bruised and aImost dead.
So you kidnapped him.
Not untiI I spent two pounds trying
to find out who its owner was.
But nobody wouId cIaim him,
so I brought him home.
- Giddap!
- Here, here!
Come on, you young imp of Satan.
Off with ye.
- Cathy, HindIey!
- WeIcome home. The chiIdren are coming.
Don't Iook so shocked, EIIen.
He's going to Iive with us for a whiIe.
Give him a good scrubbing...
and put some Christian cIothes on him.
Food is what he needs most,
Mr. Earnshaw.
He's as thin as a sparrow.
Come into the kitchen, chiId.