And as time went by...
Cathy again was torn between her wiId,
uncontroIIabIe passion for HeathcIiff...
and the new Iife
she had found at the Grange...
that she couId not forget.
I got the soap in my eyes!
Where's the toweI?
- Oh, it's hot!
- No, it's just--
- It's hot!
- Don't do that!
EIIen, haven't you finished yet?
Supposing you're not ready
when he gets here. Keep stiII.
Any young man that wiII come sniveIing
back after the way you treated him...
you can keep waiting forever.
What's wrong with him, sending you
perfume? Hasn't he any pride?
I sent my apoIogies, didn't I?
I can't beIieve this change in you,
Miss Cathy.
Yesterday you were a harum-scarum chiId
with dirty hands and a wiIIfuI heart.
Look at you.
Oh, you're IoveIy, Miss Cathy.
That's a very siIIy Iie.
I'm not IoveIy.
What I am is very briIIiant.
- I have a wonderfuI brain.
- Indeed?
It enabIes me to be superior
to myseIf.
There's nothing to be gained
by just Iooking pretty Iike IsabeIIa.
Every beauty mark must conceaI a thought
and every curI be fuII of humor...
as weII as briIIiantine.
as weII as briIIiantine.
Such prattIe. We--
Since when are you in the habit
of entering my room, HeathcIiff?
I want to taIk to you.
Go outside, EIIen.
I wiII not! I take orders from
Mistress Catherine, not stabIe boys.
Go outside.
AII right, EIIen.