What's wrong with him, sending you
perfume? Hasn't he any pride?
I sent my apoIogies, didn't I?
I can't beIieve this change in you,
Miss Cathy.
Yesterday you were a harum-scarum chiId
with dirty hands and a wiIIfuI heart.
Look at you.
Oh, you're IoveIy, Miss Cathy.
That's a very siIIy Iie.
I'm not IoveIy.
What I am is very briIIiant.
- I have a wonderfuI brain.
- Indeed?
It enabIes me to be superior
to myseIf.
There's nothing to be gained
by just Iooking pretty Iike IsabeIIa.
Every beauty mark must conceaI a thought
and every curI be fuII of humor...
as weII as briIIiantine.
as weII as briIIiantine.
Such prattIe. We--
Since when are you in the habit
of entering my room, HeathcIiff?
I want to taIk to you.
Go outside, EIIen.
I wiII not! I take orders from
Mistress Catherine, not stabIe boys.
Go outside.
AII right, EIIen.
Now that we're so happiIy aIone, may I
know to what I owe this great honor?
- He's coming here again.
- You're utterIy unbearabIe.
You didn't think so this morning
on the moors.
- WeII, my moods change indoors.
- Is he coming here?
- Of course not. PIease go away.
- You're Iying!
Why are you dressed up
in a siIk dress?
Because gentIefoIk dress for dinner.
Not you. Why are you trying to win
his puIing fIatteries?
I'm not a chiId.
You can't taIk Iike that to me.
I'm not taIking to a chiId.
I'm taIking to my Cathy.
- Oh, I'm your Cathy?
- Yes!
I'm to take your orders
and aIIow you to seIect my dresses?
You're not gonna simper in front of him,
Iistening to his siIIy taIk!
I'm not?
WeII, I am. It's more entertaining
that Iistening to a stabIe boy.
- Don't you taIk Iike that.
- I wiII. Go away.
This is my room, a Iady's room, not
a room for servants with dirty hands.
Let me aIone!