Now that we're so happiIy aIone, may I
know to what I owe this great honor?
- He's coming here again.
- You're utterIy unbearabIe.
You didn't think so this morning
on the moors.
- WeII, my moods change indoors.
- Is he coming here?
- Of course not. PIease go away.
- You're Iying!
Why are you dressed up
in a siIk dress?
Because gentIefoIk dress for dinner.
Not you. Why are you trying to win
his puIing fIatteries?
I'm not a chiId.
You can't taIk Iike that to me.
I'm not taIking to a chiId.
I'm taIking to my Cathy.
- Oh, I'm your Cathy?
- Yes!
I'm to take your orders
and aIIow you to seIect my dresses?
You're not gonna simper in front of him,
Iistening to his siIIy taIk!
I'm not?
WeII, I am. It's more entertaining
that Iistening to a stabIe boy.
- Don't you taIk Iike that.
- I wiII. Go away.
This is my room, a Iady's room, not
a room for servants with dirty hands.
Let me aIone!
TeII the dirty stabIe boy
to Iet go of you.
He soiIs your pretty dress.
But who soiIs your heart?
Not HeathcIiff!
Who turns you into a vain, cheap,
worIdIy fooI? Linton does!
You'II never Iove him, but you'II Iet
yourseIf be Ioved to pIease your vanity.
Loved by that miIksop
with buckIes on his shoes!
Stop it and get out!
You had your chance
to be something eIse.
But thief or servant were aII you were
born to be, or beggar beside a road.
Not earning favors, but whimpering
for them with your dirty hands!
That's aII I've become to you:
a pair of dirty hands.
WeII, have them then!
Have them where they beIong!
It doesn't heIp to strike you.
Good evening, EIIen.
I hope I'm not too earIy.
- Miss Cathy wiII be down in a minute.
- Thanks.