- Thank heaven you've come home!
- I toId Joseph to stay awake!
- Do I unsaddIe my own horse?
- You've got to go out again!
Miss Cathy's gone! They're Iooking
for her-- Joseph, everybody!
- Gone where?
- Out in the storm, hours ago.
HeathcIiff ran away. He took a horse,
and she went running after him.
- Oh, she did?
- Yes.
Don't stand there with your mouth open.
Fetch me a bottIe and we'II ceIebrate.
Master HindIey, she'II die on the moors.
- You've got to heIp.
- Do as I teII you!
If she's gone off with that gypsy scum,
Iet her run.
Let her run through storm and heII.
They're birds of a feather.
The deviI can take them both.
Get me a bottIe.
- Take her into the Iibrary.
- Get a fire in the east room.
And some brandy.
Turn this around to the fire.
- The brandy, Miss IsabeIIa.
- Get some dry toweIs. QuickIy.
- Where was she?
- The rocks on Penistone Crag...
the Iife aImost out of her.
Twenty drops in a gIass of cIaret,
weII warmed.
Then add a Iump of sugar.
There's nothing eIse I can teII you...
except keep her in the sun
and give her pIenty of cream and butter.