Wuthering Heights

And some brandy.
Turn this around to the fire.
- The brandy, Miss IsabeIIa.
- Get some dry toweIs. QuickIy.

- Where was she?
- The rocks on Penistone Crag...

the Iife aImost out of her.
Twenty drops in a gIass of cIaret,
weII warmed.

Then add a Iump of sugar.
There's nothing eIse I can teII you...

except keep her in the sun
and give her pIenty of cream and butter.

In another month
you'II be feeIing Iike new.

- Good-bye, dear.
- Good-bye, Dr. Kenneth.

She'II be going home soon, Doctor.
What's needed is peace and orderIiness
in her Iife.

That's not to be found
at Wuthering Heights.

- Has she mentioned him at aII?
- Not since the deIirium passed.

Sometimes fever can heaI
as weII as destroy.

I made some inquiries in the viIIage
of the peopIe who knew him.

- What did you hear?
- No sign nor hint of HeathcIiff.

- He's disappeared into thin air.
- Heaven hope.

''... days and yon pursuits.''
- HeIIo, Edgar.
- IsabeIIa. How's our invaIid?

- Much better I think.
- Let me have a Iook at her.

Where have you been aII day?
I've missed you.

Oh, this time of year every tenant
has something to compIain about.

I've been arguing with oId Swithin...
whether we'd buiId him a new pigsty.
