and I'll see that everyJackson man in office
is whipped out of the place...
like a dog out of a meat house!
And now, my friends...
I bow to one of your own
citizens of New Salem...
who will address you further...
on behalf of the great
and incorruptible Whig Party.
God bless it.
Gentlemen and fellow citizens...
I presume you all know who I am.
I'm plain Abraham Lincoln.
I've been solicited by many friends...
to become a candidate
for the legislature.
My politics are short and sweet...
like the old woman's dance.
I'm in favor of a national bank...
of the internal improvement system...
and high protective tariff.
These are my sentiments...
and political principles.
If elected, I shall be thankful.
If not...
it'll be all the same.
Hey, Abe.!
Somebody wants
to do business with you.
- Howdy, ma'am. Howdy.
- Howdy.
- How you been making out?
- Right good.
We ain't hit the hard places yet.