My politics are short and sweet...
like the old woman's dance.
I'm in favor of a national bank...
of the internal improvement system...
and high protective tariff.
These are my sentiments...
and political principles.
If elected, I shall be thankful.
If not...
it'll be all the same.
Hey, Abe.!
Somebody wants
to do business with you.
- Howdy, ma'am. Howdy.
- Howdy.
- How you been making out?
- Right good.
We ain't hit the hard places yet.
- Won't you get down and rest yourself?
- Well, thank you.
We was aimin' to stretch a bit.
My old woman figured on
gettin' some flannel for shirts.
- I reckon that could be arranged.
- Yeah, but...
we ain't got any money.
Well, you can send it to me.
We don't aim to ask for no credit.
If it'll ease your mind any, ma'am,
the whole shebang here's worked on credit.
That's right, Abe.
Berry and me never put up a penny to start with,
and the way things look we never will.
Well, there's an old barrel in the wagon
that might be worth 50 cents to some folks.
Of course, there ain't much in it.
Just some old things laying around the house.
Along with some books
that belonged to my grandpappy.
- Books?
Yeah, in the last barrel.
Well, you folks go in the store
and help yourself.
I'll go on back and get the barrel.