Young Mr. Lincoln

happens to be exactly
the amount of my legal fee.

And the whole thing's settled.
Well, what do you say?
- I won't do it!
- Me either!

I'll go to law first.
did you ever hear about the time
in the Black Hawk War when I...

butted two fellas' heads together...
and busted both of'em?
Well, I'm willin' if he is.
'Tain't fair, but I'll do it
just to be shut of him.

Thanks, gentlemen.
Well, that's gonna save us all
a heap of legal trouble...

and headaches.
Well, if you'd just give me
my and Stuart's share...

I'll mosey along over
and see the parade.

It's gonna be
a heap of yellin' and carryin' on.

It's gonna be quite a pleasure
to listen to after this.

Yessiree, Bob.
Yessiree, Bob.
Hay foot, straw foot!
Hay foot, straw foot!
Hay foot, straw foot!

Hay foot, straw foot!
Hay foot, straw foot!
