- Shall I stay in this evening?
- Would you?
- What shall we do?
- Tea first.
And then I'll play for you.
We'll have an evening just like we used to.
What is it?
I've just noticed something.
If you put it right while I'm not looking,
I will say no more about it.
What's the matter? I don't understand.
- Paul, don't turn your back on me.
- Look on the wall behind you.
The picture, it's gone again.
Yes. Where have you hidden it this time?
I didn't take it. Why should I?
It's no use to me.
Why should you take other things?
Pencils, knives...
Paul, don't.
Bella, where's the picture?
I didn't take it. I swear I didn't.
Come. Get the picture.
I'd know if I touched it. I'd remember.
I've been better lately.