What is it?
I've just noticed something.
If you put it right while I'm not looking,
I will say no more about it.
What's the matter? I don't understand.
- Paul, don't turn your back on me.
- Look on the wall behind you.
The picture, it's gone again.
Yes. Where have you hidden it this time?
I didn't take it. Why should I?
It's no use to me.
Why should you take other things?
Pencils, knives...
Paul, don't.
Bella, where's the picture?
I didn't take it. I swear I didn't.
Come. Get the picture.
I'd know if I touched it. I'd remember.
I've been better lately.
You've missed nothing for days.
Two weeks, I've been well.
I've had no headaches, no dreams.
Why should I take the...
So you did know where it was.
I promise you, I didn't.
I supposed it was here
because it was found here twice before.
- Why do you persist in lying to me, Bella?
- It's the truth.
If you're not lying,
there's only one alternative:
You're losing your wits.
You promised
you'd never say that to me again.