In fact, I don't think she'll be permitted
to step off the train.
I hope she don't get too violent. I haven't
strength enough to knock her down.
Well, goodbye.
The days of chivalry are not over.
Baby doll...
these weed benders have been running off
at the mouth to your detriment.
I ain't surprised. Bad news travels fast.
I understand you need a cicerone, a guide.
I need more than that, honey.
What symmetrical digits.
Soft as the fuzz on a baby's arm.
But quick on the trigger.
Yes. May I?
Help yourself.
Would you object if I avail myself
of a second helping?
Don't you think you're a little forward
on such short acquaintance?
You're compromising me.
May I present you with a little amulet...
that I received from Aga Khan...
when I was in the Himalayas?
- It's just a little thing.
The Aga and I were very good friends.
What a pretty sentiment.
A lonesome heart. That's what I am.
It is not good for a man to be alone.
It's no fun for a woman, either.
Is it possible for us
to be lonesome together?
Quite possible.
I will be all things to you:
Father, mother, husband, counsellor...
Jackanapes, bartender.
You're offering quite a bundle, honey.
My heart is a bargain today.
Will you take me?