May I present you with a little amulet...
that I received from Aga Khan...
when I was in the Himalayas?
- It's just a little thing.
The Aga and I were very good friends.
What a pretty sentiment.
A lonesome heart. That's what I am.
It is not good for a man to be alone.
It's no fun for a woman, either.
Is it possible for us
to be lonesome together?
Quite possible.
I will be all things to you:
Father, mother, husband, counsellor...
Jackanapes, bartender.
You're offering quite a bundle, honey.
My heart is a bargain today.
Will you take me?
I'll take you and how.
I am the happiest mortal alive.
Miss Flower Belle has consented to be...
my lawfully wedded wife.
How wonderful.
I'm so happy for you, my dear.
That makes everything all right, doesn't it?
You're redeemed.
Not yet. We've got to see a preacher first.
I beg your pardon, but I'm not...
Excuse me.
- I'm not...
See, they think you're a preacher. You look
like one, now you've got to act like one.
Yes, but l...
I'm in a predicament. I'm depending on you.
You're my ace in the hole.
You got to do this for me.
Besides, he's got a bag full of money.
Well, of course,
this is rather unusual for me...
but under the circumstances, I'll deal.
I mean, I'll officiate.
We'll need a ring.
My dear, I will be your witness.