Forget it.
You're the one man in my life right now.
I will be the one man in your life
if I have to kill everyone else.
Save your lead, honey.
You got no competition.
- My love.
That is beautiful.
You see, I ain't changed, have I?
- You are more lovely than ever.
Last time you promised
to take off your mask this time.
You are the Sheriff's wife now.
It would be very embarrassing
for you to know who I am.
I've never been embarrassed in my life.
- A little gift.
I go, my sweetest one.
Adios, my fastest one.
That's fine.
Let's have just one more with the landlord
and then let him close up for the night.
What a conk.
The two-headed boy in the circus
never had such a headache.
I think I'll write a book.
The Art of Arising the Morning After.
- My kidneys. My pellagra.
Get me out of here,
you red-skinned aborigine.
What do you think you are, you red rascal?
A Navajo rug or a hassock?
Chief no feel good?
I feel as though a midget with muddy feet
had been walking over my tongue all night.