That's fine.
Let's have just one more with the landlord
and then let him close up for the night.
What a conk.
The two-headed boy in the circus
never had such a headache.
I think I'll write a book.
The Art of Arising the Morning After.
- My kidneys. My pellagra.
Get me out of here,
you red-skinned aborigine.
What do you think you are, you red rascal?
A Navajo rug or a hassock?
Chief no feel good?
I feel as though a midget with muddy feet
had been walking over my tongue all night.
Cease. Quiet.
You're under arrest for disturbing the peace.
- Sheriff. It's written on the badge.
- Wait a minute, Sheriff.
The stage was held up last night and robbed
of considerable gold by the Masked Bandit.
How unfortunate. But he will have to split it.
We figured you'd want to form a posse
and search for him before his trail gets cold.
Posse by all means.
- Thank you, Sheriff.
- Big posse.
One of the biggest posse... Milton.
My habiliment. Duty calls.
Never mind. It can call later.
Sleep, the most beautiful experience in life...
except drink.
- Boss, Carter's got the Sheriff's wife
in his rig. They are just going by.