Cease. Quiet.
You're under arrest for disturbing the peace.
- Sheriff. It's written on the badge.
- Wait a minute, Sheriff.
The stage was held up last night and robbed
of considerable gold by the Masked Bandit.
How unfortunate. But he will have to split it.
We figured you'd want to form a posse
and search for him before his trail gets cold.
Posse by all means.
- Thank you, Sheriff.
- Big posse.
One of the biggest posse... Milton.
My habiliment. Duty calls.
Never mind. It can call later.
Sleep, the most beautiful experience in life...
except drink.
- Boss, Carter's got the Sheriff's wife
in his rig. They are just going by.
I suppose you're going to print about the
Masked Bandit holding up the stagecoach.
I wish I could print that we'd caught him.
- Everybody's after him, huh?
- Why not? After all, he's an outlaw.
Maybe he ain't so bad underneath.
People do a lot of things
for different reasons.
He's pretty bad medicine. If I were you,
I wouldn't go out alone at night.
I can take care of myself.
Ain't met the man yet I was scared of.
They're more apt to be scared of you,
I imagine.
How do you mean that?
You are very attractive, you know.
"Captivating" is the word, I think.
That's what you think.
Yes, and I think you could turn
a man's head very easily...
if he wasn't careful.
There's no fun in being too careful.