That's what I said.
Must be one of the old models.
You mean, you can't open it?
Looks pretty hopeless.
It'll take a miracle
to get us out of here.
A fine conscience
I turned out to be.
I should've listened
to you,Jiminy.
No, it was my fault. I shouldn't
have walked out on you.
Guess I'll never see
my father again.
Oh, buck up, son.
It could be worse.
Be cheerful, like me.
Aw, take it easy, son.
Come on, blow.
Thatta boy.
Oh, well, it stopped
raining anyway.
Hey, that star again!
Uh, the lady, the-- Ooh!
- The fairy!
- What'll she say?
- What'll I tell her?
- You might tell her the truth.