A fine conscience
I turned out to be.
I should've listened
to you,Jiminy.
No, it was my fault. I shouldn't
have walked out on you.
Guess I'll never see
my father again.
Oh, buck up, son.
It could be worse.
Be cheerful, like me.
Aw, take it easy, son.
Come on, blow.
Thatta boy.
Oh, well, it stopped
raining anyway.
Hey, that star again!
Uh, the lady, the-- Ooh!
- The fairy!
- What'll she say?
- What'll I tell her?
- You might tell her the truth.
- Why, Pinocchio.
- Uh, eh, hello!
Sir Jiminy!
Well! Uh, this is a--
a pleasant surprise. Ha-ha.
Pinocchio, why didn't
you go to school?
- School? Well, I-- um--
- Uh-- Go ahead, tell her.
I was going to school
'til I met somebody.
- Met somebody?
- Yeah. Uh, two big monsters...
with big green eyes!
- Why, I-- I--
- Monsters?
- Weren't you afraid?
- No, ma'am. But they
tied me in a big sack.
You don't say!
And where was Sir Jiminy?
Eh, huh? Oh,Jiminy?
Hey, psst! Leave me outta this.
They put him in a little sack.
- No!
- Yeah!
- How did you escape?
- I didn't.