- Why, Pinocchio.
- Uh, eh, hello!
Sir Jiminy!
Well! Uh, this is a--
a pleasant surprise. Ha-ha.
Pinocchio, why didn't
you go to school?
- School? Well, I-- um--
- Uh-- Go ahead, tell her.
I was going to school
'til I met somebody.
- Met somebody?
- Yeah. Uh, two big monsters...
with big green eyes!
- Why, I-- I--
- Monsters?
- Weren't you afraid?
- No, ma'am. But they
tied me in a big sack.
You don't say!
And where was Sir Jiminy?
Eh, huh? Oh,Jiminy?
Hey, psst! Leave me outta this.
They put him in a little sack.
- No!
- Yeah!
- How did you escape?
- I didn't.
They chopped me into firewood.
Oh! Oh, look!
My nose! What's happened?
Perhaps you haven't been
telling the truth, Pinocchio.
- "Perhaps"?
- Oh, but I have,
every single word.
Oh, please help me!
I'm awful sorry.
You see, Pinocchio, a lie
keeps growing and growing...
until it's as plain as
the nose on your face.
She's right, Pinoke.
You better come clean.
I'll never lie again.
Honest, I won't.
Please, Your Honor--
Uh, uh, I mean, Miss Fairy.
Give him another chance,
for my sake.
Will ya, huh?
I'll forgive you this once.
But remember,
a boy who won't be good might
just as well be made of wood.
- We'll be good, won't we?
- We'll be good, won't we?
Very well. But this is
the last time I can help you.