All right now,
hop to it, you blokes.
Come on, come on! Shut the doors
and lock 'em tight.
Now get below and get
them crates ready.
Give a bad boy enough rope
and he'll soon make
a jackass of himself.
Where is everybody?
The place is like a graveyard.
I don't like the looks of this.
Hey, where are you?
Where d'you suppose all
the kids went to, Lampwick?
Ah, they're around here
somewheres. What do you care?
- You're having
a good time, ain't ya?
- Uh-huh, I sure am.
Oh, boy! This is the life,
huh, Pinoky?
It sure is!
Ah, you smoke
like me grandmother!
Come on, take
a big drag like this.
Okay, Lampy.
Some fun, huh, kid?