Where d'you suppose all
the kids went to, Lampwick?
Ah, they're around here
somewheres. What do you care?
- You're having
a good time, ain't ya?
- Uh-huh, I sure am.
Oh, boy! This is the life,
huh, Pinoky?
It sure is!
Ah, you smoke
like me grandmother!
Come on, take
a big drag like this.
Okay, Lampy.
Some fun, huh, kid?
Okay, Slats, your shot.
What's the matter, Slats?
Losin' your grip?
Pinocchio! So this is
where I find you.
How do you ever expect
to be a real boy?
Look at yourself. Smoking,
playing pool! Ow! You are coming
right home with me this minute!
Hey! Who's the beetle?
Let go! Put me down!
Let me out of here. Let me out!
He's my conscience. He tells me
what's right and wrong.
What? You mean to tell me you
take orders from a grasshopper?
Grasshopper? Look here,
you, you impudent young pup!
It wouldn't hurt you to take
orders from your grasshopp--
Uh, uh... your conscience,
if you have one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
Screwball in the corner pocket.