Wouldn't that rather
defeat the purpose ?
Now that we've found each other again,
I hope I shall see something of you.
You must come
and have a drink in my suite.
I hope they've given you a good room.
The place is empty. So if you're
uncomfortable, mind you, make a fuss.
Your valet has unpacked for you,
I suppose ?
I'm afraid I don't possess one.
Perhaps you'd like to do it for me ?
Well, I, I hardly think--
Perhaps you could make
yourself useful to Mr. de Winter
if he wants anything done.
You're a capable child in many ways.
That's a charming suggestion,
but I'm afraid I cling to the old motto:
'' He travels fastest
who travels alone.''
Perhaps you've not heard of it.
Good night.
What do you make of that ?
Do you suppose that sudden departure
was intended to be funny?
Come, don't sit there gawking.
Let's go upstairs.
- Have you got the key ?
- Yes, Mrs. Van Hopper.
I remember when I was younger
there was a well-known writer...
who used to dart down the back
way whenever he saw me coming.
I suppose he was in love with me
and wasn't quite sure of himself.
Well, c'est la vie.
By the way, my dear,
don't think that I mean to be unkind,
but you were just a teeny, weeny bit
forward with Mr. de Winter.
Your effort to enter
the conversation...
quite embarrassed me,
and I'm sure it did him.
Men loathe that sort of thing.
Oh, come. Don't sulk.
After all, I am responsible
for your behavior here.
Perhaps he didn't notice it.
Poor thing !
I suppose he just can't
get over his wife's death.
They say he simply adored her.
[ Speaking French ]
Oh ! How awkward of me.
What a stupid thing to do.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Please don't bother.
It doesn't really matter.
Leave that. Leave that.
Go and lay another place at my table.
- Mademoiselle will have lunch with me.
- Oh, but I couldn't possibly.
- Why not ?
- Oh, please don't be polite.
It's very kind of you,
- but I'll be all right if
they just change the cloth.
- I wasn't being polite.