-[ Knocking At Door ]
- Come in.
Is that my food? I'm famished.
I didn't have any breakfast.
Ah, my suggestion didn't seem
to go at all well. I'm sorry.
Oh, but you don't understand. It's that
I'm not the sort of person men marry.
What on earth do you mean ?
I don't belong in your
sort of world, for one thing.
What is my sort of world ?
Oh, well, Manderley.
You know what I mean.
Well, I'm the best judge
of whether you belong there or not.
Of course, if you don't love me,
then it's a different thing.
Fine blow to my conceit,
that's all.
Oh, I do love you.
I love you most dreadfully.
I've been crying all morning because
I thought I'd never see you again.
Bless you for that.
I'll remind you of this one day,
and you won't believe me.
It's a pity you have to grow up.
Well, now that's settled,
you may pour me out some coffee.
Two lumps of sugar
and some milk, please.
Same with my tea.
Don't forget.
Who's going to break the news
to Mrs. Van Hopper ?
Oh, you tell her.
She'll be so angry.
What's the number of her room ?
Oh, she's not there.
She's downstairs in the car.
Hello. Give me the desk, please.
Hello. You'll fiind Mrs. Van Hopper
waiting outside in her car.
Would you ask her,
with my compliments,
if she'd very kindly come up
and see me in my room ?
Yes, in my room.
Mr. de Winter says please
for you to come up to his room.
Mr. de Winter ?
Why, certainly.