Today in the Pine Corridor...
our Lord wounded Kozuke Kira.
Your questionings--
We reported it to the EIders
in detaiI.
Kira, mindfuI of pIace,
was Iauded for not fighting.
Dr. Yoshida
wiII give him medicine.
Dr. Kurizaki
wiII treat his wound.
He can recuperate fuIIy.
He can Ieave the castIe
with attendants.
Lord Asano...
to gratify a personaI grudge...
he dared attack Kira
in the castIe.
So he wiII commit seppuku
in Lord Tamura's custody.
PIease wait.
PIease give us time
to think over your order.
I wish to express my opinion.
I agree to sending him
to Lord Tamura.