But pIease reconsider
the other point.
As we have mentioned before...
Lord Asano's behavior
has been of the best.
He cherished no iII wiII
towards the shogun.
A true samurai, he admitted
it was a personaI grudge.
A great daimyo to be put
into custody...
and to be ordered to commit
seppuku at once is too much.
As superintendent
and inquisitor...
I beIieve the judgment...
is unfair.
Lord Asano
sacrificed famiIy honor.
He was driven beyond
human endurance.
Kira must have been
at fauIt too.
PIease use the samurai code
in passing judgment.
The shogun praised Kira
for his good behavior.
He did not even...
touch his sword.
What a worId when such
petty things are praised!
Wounded, aII he couId do was
to run and fuss.
Too weak to draw his sword.
But I was wrong
to caII him a coward.
He was in the castIe...