hoIding the castIe.
Today, seppuku for their
Lord--no decision's reached.
ChamberIain Ono wants...
to make Lord Daigaku the heir...
and turn over the castIe...
LoyaI men...
Iike vassaIs Okajima
and Takebayashi.
They watch him as a betrayer.
How wiII ChamberIain Oishi
unify such difference?
Brother said he's going
to the castIe...
to commit seppuku.
Is it true?
Are you stiII awake?
It's Iate. Go to bed.
Sugi, are you there?
The chiIdren.
I'm not sIeepy !
Are Father and Brother
foIIowing our Lord?
I can't sIeep.
A samurai's son must be caIm.
It is most true
at important times.
Forget your f ather's words?
No. Good night, Mother.
Good night, Aunt.