Sugi, are you there?
The chiIdren.
I'm not sIeepy !
Are Father and Brother
foIIowing our Lord?
I can't sIeep.
A samurai's son must be caIm.
It is most true
at important times.
Forget your f ather's words?
No. Good night, Mother.
Good night, Aunt.
ChamberIain Oishi and I...
are cousins.
It's forward of me to say this.
But aII the vassaIs are waiting
for his decision.
Ushioda, my husband, too.
He doesn't say anything.
So I don't know.
I can onIy say...
he seems to be
torturing himseIf...
in waiting for some news.
I think he'II make up
his mind by it.
Important news?
I don't know what it is myseIf.