He couId be f ar away
in Yonezawa any day...
where his son Lord Uesugi
with his IoyaI men.
It couId be any minute.
No use gIaring at him
after that.
Here in your paIace...
you're in a position
to say anything.
Is that so?
I can see
how stubborn Oishi is, too.
Letting my words go...
and thinking what'II be done.
But I say he's making
one mistake.
Oishi's Oishi, we're us.
I don't beIieve Oishi
changed so suddenIy.
Must be a good reason.
I onIy know his behavior
is a fact.
Oishi changed.
So...wiII you?
You know something...
about a wooden tub?
If the hoop Ioosens
so does the whoIe tub.
You can't expect
to fiII it again.