you're mentioning
our knighthood.
It's onIy your wiIIfuIness.
Maybe you're right.
I won't ask you any more.
You must have eIaborated...
a secret pIan untiI now.
I shouId have known
you won't teII me.
I've no right to ask you,
I suppose.
TroubIe is,
Konoe is urging me to appeaI...
to the shogun for Asano...
in the intention of...
acquiring Oishi.
Oishi has been appeaIing
for the restoration.
If his appeaI...
is received by the shogun...
you can't attack Kira,
no matter how you wish.
My Lord.
You can't Iet it pass
if Oishi's intending revenge...
whiIe he's appeaIing
on the other hand.
Then you wouId--
I'm going to ask the shogun.