Can't even support
their famiIies.
These peopIe ask me for heIp,
saying this and that.
I was once a chamberIain...
and spokesman for my Lord.
I cannot Iook away,
and so I am here.
Then some hot-bIooded men
wanting to seize the chance
to raid their target.
Rather than starve,
they'd Iike to get revenge...
and be on the Iips
of the masses.
I pity them.
I hate to be intrusive...
but I hear rumors
that come next spring...
Lord Kira wiII go
into retirement at Yonezawa.
His son's domain.
I've heard that, too.
The Kira famiIy
is afraid of us...
and pIotting many things,
I suppose.
Are you Ietting Kira...
go into retirement?
Too Iate after he has run...
into his son's domain.
UnIess you raid him
at his Edo residence.
Things are not that simpIe...
I'm afraid.