ReaIIy think so?
As a true samurai?
Kira's aged, and anything
can happen, even today.
We have oId men among us
Iike Horibe and Hazama.
They can't be sure of tomorrow.
Too much for me to care...
about that far.
Trying to excuse and discourage
the IoyaI ones?
Enough, Toda.
I can't bear it any Ionger.
No matter what...
he is our former chamberIain.
Restrain words of dishonor.
I feeI so sorry
for our Lord now.
His spIeen destroyed himseIf,
as weII as his cIan.
His vassaIs became...
He was a fooI, trying to kiII
Lord Kira imprudentIy.
PeopIe wiII make a jest of him
That is--
Before he died...
he said he didn't have
a chance to teII you.
But Oishi must be confused
if he hears about this.
When I heard it...
I thought
he counted on you aIone.