His spIeen destroyed himseIf,
as weII as his cIan.
His vassaIs became...
He was a fooI, trying to kiII
Lord Kira imprudentIy.
PeopIe wiII make a jest of him
That is--
Before he died...
he said he didn't have
a chance to teII you.
But Oishi must be confused
if he hears about this.
When I heard it...
I thought
he counted on you aIone.
And he regretted
you were away from him.
I stiII remember
his every word.
But no one
wants to avenge him now.
I heard what peopIe are saying.
They caII him a careIess man
or a testy man.
AIthough he had brought himseIf
to his death...
I feeI sorry for him.
I didn't mean to compIain.
I'II bid you fareweII.