- Now to business.
- Yes, sir.
I've come here on
a very delicate mission, Morgan.
- No trouble, sir?
- No. No trouble.
- But it worries me.
- Yes, sir.
I'm here to get your permission
that my son lestyn
may have permission...
- Bless you, Morgan.
- Thank you, sir.
- Now where was I?
- "Permission"?
Yes. That my son lestyn
may have permission,
with your daughter's permission,
to call upon her. There we are.
We are a very proud family, Mr Evans.
Yes, I know. I know, Morgan.
But this is not my doing, Morgan.
It's that young whelp of a...
Mr Evans. Your son has
my permission to speak to me.
Thank you, Morgan.
I'm very much obliged to you.
Yes, sir.
Good old Welsh blood, you know,
and all that sort of thing.
- I'm very much obliged, Morgan.
- Yes, sir.
Come, come, come. My shoes. Get my shoes.
You, girl. Get up to your room. Have you
no modesty left in you? Get up there.
Get your hands out...
My shoes. Find the shoes.
Why don't you get yourjackets on?
Mr Morgan?
Sit down.