I'd like to meet him
Do you suppose I could?
I've always admired him.
My dear,
well, that's simple.
We must ask him here
to dinner some night.
Ask all my friends to dinner
if that cigar thief...
You won't be having anyone over.
You're still too weak.
If you don't start paying
attention to what I say...
Oh, go and smoke my cigars.
Could I sing for him?
Who, Stokowski?
Oh, no.
Oh, but I've studied music.
I've no doubt you have, my dear,
but Stokowski comes here for pleasure.
It'd be a pleasure.
You want me to prove it?
I'll take your word for it.
Have you a piano?
No. It needs tuning, anyway.
Where is it?
I don't remember.
Could you hear it from here?
It's much too far. It's downstairs.
Maybe if we leave
the door open.
Uh, please. I am a sick man.
L... Please.
Now, don't get excited.
Leave these open, please.
Would you boys mind giving me a hand?
- I beg your pardon?
- I want to move this piano.
It's for Mr. Reynolds.
He must be delirious.
Uh, straight ahead.
Right over there, please.