Very good, sir.
Here you are! This isn't exactly
where you told me you were going.
He kept me waiting up there
20 minutes...
before I discovered the
bathroom had another door.
Why, Dad,
it's great to see you up.
Come along now, Jonathan.
Quit shoving!
Where's Gloria?
Uh, Gloria?
I'm gonna pick her up
in a few minutes, Dad.
I've never seen anybody so excited
about anything in all my life.
What's she excited about?
I'm giving her a party.
You're giving Gloria
a pa... a party?
She wants to meet
all my musical friends
and sing for 'em.
She's going to,
Saturday night.
You must go back to your room now.
Not yet.
I've got to make a phone call.
That's what you said the last time.
Don't you think Saturday night's
a little too soon?
Yes. Don't you?
Can't call it off.
Everything's been started.
It's too late.
Besides, I want New York
to meet the girl you're going to marry.
Wonder where I can
get hold of Heifetz?
This time I'm going with you!
Leave me alone!
Enough's enough.
Too much.
He's seen that girl for the last time.
By Saturday she'll be back in Iowa
or wherever she comes from.
What's the difference?
I'll pay her off right now.
What are you going to tell him?
You figure out something.
You're in this as much as I am.
But I'm a sick man.
I'm a very sick man.
She sings like a thrush.
From Ireland.
Stop already.!
All night long I am pushing the wagon!
Peanuts! Popcorn!
All day long I'm hearing:
Shut up!
Is this a free country?
Then I got to sleep!
If I lay my hands on you,
you'll sleep for a month!
Stop yellin'!
Who's yelling?
Who's yelling?
Everybody she's yelling!
Is anything the matter?
No, dearie, nothing at all.
It's just Mr. Popalardi.
He's drunk again.
Drunk? I'm drunk?
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Go back to your practicing.
Remember, Saturday's only
the day after tomorrow.