It Started with Eve

Leave me alone!
Enough's enough.
Too much.

He's seen that girl for the last time.
By Saturday she'll be back in Iowa
or wherever she comes from.


What's the difference?
I'll pay her off right now.

What are you going to tell him?
You figure out something.

You're in this as much as I am.

But I'm a sick man.
I'm a very sick man.

She sings like a thrush.
From Ireland.

Stop already.!
All night long I am pushing the wagon!
Peanuts! Popcorn!

All day long I'm hearing:

Shut up!
Is this a free country?
Then I got to sleep!

If I lay my hands on you,
you'll sleep for a month!
Stop yellin'!

Who's yelling?
Who's yelling?

Everybody she's yelling!
Is anything the matter?
No, dearie, nothing at all.
It's just Mr. Popalardi.

He's drunk again.
Drunk? I'm drunk?
Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Go back to your practicing.
Remember, Saturday's only
the day after tomorrow.

You wouldn't want those
important people to be
disappointed in your singin'.

Go on with ya now.
All right.

I'll be sendin' ya up
a nice hot cup of coffee
in a minute, dearie.

Thank you.
It's wonderful the way
those people are pulling for me.

They want you to kill 'em
Saturday night, honey.

And you will too.
Just wait 'til they see you
in that new gown.

You won't even have to sing good.
When do you get it?
Tomorrow morning.

I'll bet
he'll like it too.

He isn't exactly blind.
I used to go steady
with an engaged fellow.

It was very romantic.
He was awfully nice
to both of us.

What are you talking about?
I was just telling you
about the fellow I used to go with.

Turned out he was fickle.
He married his fiancée.

Are you out of your mind?
He's engaged.
I know.!

So was this guy.
That's what all the trouble
was about!

Now, look, Jackie...
You don't have to...

Come in.
Oh, hello. I wasn't expecting you.
You rememberJackie, don't you?
