Appears to me
the devil be a-knocking
at the door
of a house of worship.
If there's any of you
want to go get him,
you'll be free to go
because the meeting's over.
Pastor pile, alvin york
done shot his initials
in this tree-
"a.y." plain as day.
It were alvin york,
ike botkin,
and buck lipscomb
and their liquor.
Who was you saying
it were?
Who was you saying
it were?
It were alvin,
mrs. York.
How be you
It weren't alvin, mother york.
It were the liquor.
Mighty good shooting
for a man
and his liquor,
ain't it?
Up this mountain
i wander alone
i'm as drunk
as the devil
oh, leave me alone
i'd give
this whole world
if my lulu were here
ha ha ha!
Ooh! That's pretty!
Let's hear it again.
I'm a hero champ
i'm a hero
rattle attle attle bob
alatta bob a-langdom
ring tom body
took miss mousy
on his knee
ring tom body
pretty miss mousy,
won't you marry me?
Ring tom body
rattle attle attle bob
alatta bob a-langdom
ring tom body
i'm a hero