ain't it?
Up this mountain
i wander alone
i'm as drunk
as the devil
oh, leave me alone
i'd give
this whole world
if my lulu were here
ha ha ha!
Ooh! That's pretty!
Let's hear it again.
I'm a hero champ
i'm a hero
rattle attle attle bob
alatta bob a-langdom
ring tom body
took miss mousy
on his knee
ring tom body
pretty miss mousy,
won't you marry me?
Ring tom body
rattle attle attle bob
alatta bob a-langdom
ring tom body
i'm a hero
i'm a hero-
howdy, boys.
How's it going?
Howdy, pastor.
Howdy, luke.
We were looking for you saturday.
Couldn't get here
no more than fly.
Roads are getting
soggier and soggier
between here and rugby.
That so?
Water is so deep
in some of them creek beds,
had to use
old betsy's belly
for a boat.
Hiya, zeke.
I reckon you could
have got here quicker
if you'd have
carried betsy.
Yeah. I wished
i could get me
another mule
like old flora.
They ain't
turning out mules like they used to.
No, sir.
What you got there,
young fellow?
The very latest thing
in ladies' hats-
the cloche model.
around here wear split bonnets.
Young 'uns
goes bareheaded.
Maybe so, but in
modern merchandising,
the storekeeper endeavors
to create a demand.
Now, in this line
of ladies' bloomers-
very moderately priced,
has the finest elastic
in the waistband,
also in the knees.
No amount of washing
will make it lose its snap.
Your first trip
in these parts, ain't it?
Yes. And we have them
in three lovely colors,
which we absolutely
guarantee will not fade or shrink.