
- Come on outside and settle it like a man.
- What?

They're gonna be talking about cattle
for hours, let's go.

I happen to be interested
in what they're talking about.

That's because you've never listened to me.
Come on. Tod can take care of that.
- Nope, you ain't.
- I ain't what?

You ain't as pretty in the moonlight
as you are in the sunlight.

Why you, blankety-blank
hamstrung hunk of jerky beef, l...

Don't get upset, nobody's perfect.
- I'll marry you, anyway.
- You...

I wouldn't marry you...
- if you were the last man in the world.
- Last man in the world.

Good night, Mike.
Come in.
Sit in the chair there, Windy.
It kind of bothered you, didn't it?
First time in my life I ever upset
the apple cart with one of my own speeches.

There ain't no use denying it.
We've got a mess on our hands.

You may remember I didn't want to come
to Texas in the first place.

- It was your idea.
- This is not the first idea...

something's happened to us.
You got a bad bicuspid there.

Wait a minute.
You fixed that the last time I was here.

- I did?
- You sure did.

It looks like there ain't but one thing
left to do. That's to get Tod Ramsey.
