Good night, Mike.
Come in.
Sit in the chair there, Windy.
It kind of bothered you, didn't it?
First time in my life I ever upset
the apple cart with one of my own speeches.
There ain't no use denying it.
We've got a mess on our hands.
You may remember I didn't want to come
to Texas in the first place.
- It was your idea.
- This is not the first idea...
something's happened to us.
You got a bad bicuspid there.
Wait a minute.
You fixed that the last time I was here.
- I did?
- You sure did.
It looks like there ain't but one thing
left to do. That's to get Tod Ramsey.
- I can go out there...
- I like you, Matt.
You're a simple man of direct action.
Thanks, Doc.
But it so happens that's the worst thing
we could do right now.
Let me take a look at that, Windy.
After that meeting tonight...
Tod Ramsey will be the rallying point
for every rancher in this section.
- Are you sure I put that in?
- Yes.
You ought to know.
If he gets hurt, I'm afraid
people will begin to wonder why.
That's 100% right. But remember this, Doc...
if one man gets through
to Abilene with his cattle...
we might as well throw all our ideas
out the window.
This young squirt
ain't going to get through.
We've just got to begin all over again...
at the beginning.
It came out.
I knew that wasn't one of mine.
It's one of them dang Kansas City jobs.