Victor Laszlo?
That's the first time
I've seen you impressed.
He's succeeded
in impressing half the world.
It's my duty to see
he doesn't impress the other half.
Rick, Laszlo must never reach America.
He stays in Casablanca.
It'll be interesting
to see how he manages.
Manages what?
His escape.
-But I just told you--
-Stop it.
He escaped the concentration camp.
Nazis have chased him through Europe.
This is the end of the chase.
-Twenty thousand francs says it isn't.
-Is that a serious offer?
I just paid 20.
I'd like to get it back.
Make it 1 0.
I'm only a poor, corrupt official.
No matter how clever he is, he still
needs a visa. Or, I should say, two.
-Why two?
-He is traveling with a lady.
-He'll take one.
-I think not. I've seen her.
If he did not leave her
in Marseilles or in Oran. . .
. . .he won't leave her in Casablanca.
Maybe he's not quite
as romantic as you.
It doesn't matter.
There is no exit visa for him.
What ever gave you the impression
that I might help Laszlo escape?
Because I suspect
that under that cynical shell. . .
. . .you're at heart
a sentimentalist.
Laugh if you will.
I'm familiar with your record.
Let me point out just two items.
In 1 935, you ran guns to Ethiopia.
In 1 936, you fought in Spain
on the loyalist side.
And got well paid on both occasions.
The winning side
would've paid much better.
It seems you're determined
to keep Laszlo here.
I have my orders.
I see. Gestapo spank.
You overestimate
the influence of the Gestapo.
I don't interfere with them
and they don't interfere with me.
In Casablanca, I am master of my fate.
-I am--
-Maj. Strasser is here, sir.
-You were saying?
-Excuse me.
Carl, see that the major gets
a good table, close to the ladies.
I've already given him the best, knowing
he is German and would take it anyway.