
Very lucky.
Two thousand, please.

Two thousand.
Thank you.
Rick, help me!
-Don't be a fool. You can't get away.
-Rick, hide me! You must help me!

Do something!
Excellent, captain.
When they come to get me,
I hope you'll be more help.

I stick my neck out for nobody.
I'm sorry there was a disturbance,
folks, but it's all over now.

Sit down and have a good time.
Enjoy yourselves. All right, Sam.

This is Maj. Heinrich Strasser
of the Third Reich.

-How do you do?
-How do you do?

You know Herr Heinz
of the Third Reich.

Please join us, Mr. Rick.
We are very honored tonight.
Maj. Strasser is one reason
the Third Reich enjoys its reputation.

You say "Third Reich" as though
you expect there to be others.

Personally, major,
I will take what comes.

Do you mind if I ask
a few questions?

-Unofficially, of course.
-Make it official if you like.

-What is your nationality?
-I'm a drunkard.

That makes Rick
a citizen of the world.

I was born in New York City,
if that'll help you.

I understand you came here from Paris
during the occupation.

There seems to be no secret about that.
Are you one of those who can't imagine
Germans in their beloved Paris?

It's not particularly
my beloved Paris.

Can you imagine us in London?
When you get there, ask me.
-How about New York?

There are sections of New York that
I wouldn't advise you to try to invade.
