
I suggest you search
the café immediately.

If Rick has them, he's too smart
to let you find them there.

You give him credit
for too much cleverness.

My impression was that he's just
another blundering American.

We mustn't underestimate
American blundering.

I was with them when they
blundered into Berlin in 1 91 8.

As to Laszlo, we want him watched
24 hours a day.

It may interest you to know that
at this moment he's on his way here.

There's nothing we can do.
I'm delighted to see you both.
Did you rest well?

I slept well.
That's strange. Nobody's supposed
to sleep well in Casablanca.

-May we proceed with the business?
-With pleasure. Sit down.

We won't mince words. You're
an escaped prisoner of the Reich.

So far, you've been
fortunate enough in eluding us.

You have reached Casablanca.
It is my duty to see
that you stay here.

Whether or not you'll
succeed is problematic.

Not at all. Renault's signature
is necessary on every visa.

Is it possible Herr Laszlo
will receive a visa?

I'm afraid not.
My regrets, monsieur.

Well, perhaps
I shall like it in Casablanca.

And mademoiselle?
-You needn't be concerned about me.
-Is that all you wish to tell us?

Don't be in a hurry.
You have all the time in the world.

You may be in
Casablanca indefinitely.

Or you may leave for Lisbon tomorrow.
On one condition.

And that is?
You know the leader of the underground
movement in Paris, in Prague. . .

. . .in Brussels, in Amsterdam,
in Oslo, in Belgrade, in Athens. . . .

-Even Berlin.
-Yes, even in Berlin.

If you'll furnish me with their names
and whereabouts, you'll have your visa.

And the honor of having
served the Third Reich.

I was in a German
concentration camp for a year.

That's honor enough for a lifetime.
You'll give us the names?
If I didn't give them to you
in a concentration camp. . .

. . .where you had more persuasive
methods at your disposal. . .

. . .I certainly won't
give them to you now.

What if you track them down
and kill them?
