Hup, two, three, four
A parade.
Oh, no!
The dawn patrol again.
Company, sound off!
Oh, the aim of our patrol
Is a question rather droll
For to march and drill
Over field and hill
Is a military goal
Is a military goal
With a hup
Two, three, four
Dress it up
two, three, four
By the ranks or single file
Over every jungle mile
Oh, west amp and crush
through the underbrush
In the military style
In the military style
Hello. What are you doing?
Shh! Drilling.
- Can I do it too?
- Sure. Just do what I do.
But don't talk in ranks.
It's against regulations.
To the rear! March!
The other way.
Turn around.
Hup, two, three, four
Keep it up
Two, three, four
To the rear! Ho!
Company, halt!
That means stop.
Company, left face!
March, march, march.
My feet are killing me.
I'm puttin' in for
a transfer to another herd.
Silence in the ranks!
Dress up that line.
Pull it in, Winifred.